Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today was an interesting day. I had Connie helping me with the filing. It is something i do monthly =( it really is not the best thing to do but it is ok. It was interessting to hear her say that it was confusing. It is a confusing job if you don't know what you are doing. But i am enjoying it. Tomorow i have to learn about the financial department and how to run it. oh my. That is not going to be easy. The good thing is i got my own space now in the office my own desk, and computer =) it feels good to finally be able to say this is my part of the office. Well that is all for now. Otherwise I am down with what feels like ahorrible cold but Anna told me that it could just be sinisus. =(

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My spiritual walk

Most of us go around with the question or the common phrase “I am too busy to spend time with the Lord.” I used to do that as well. I would think that I am so busy that I only have 10 minutes to pray and read the word. Why do we do that? Since I have been here in South Africa I have felt that God was talking to me through his word and saying I want all of you not just part but all.

We sang a song that just hit me and made me say God take every part of me take my all. The lyrics were:

The more I seek you

the more I find you

the more I find you

the more I love you,

and that is true the more we seek him the more we love him. In the book Knowing God Intimately by Joyce Meyer she says “Open your heart to God in a greater way then ever before. Ask him to change you and your life however He sees fit and proper. None of us can afford to stand still without change. If we aren't moving forward with God, we are drifting backward.”

This was very important to me. Now I don't want to start my day without having my time with the Lord. Not everybody is willing to pay the price it takes to be close to God. Not everybody is willing simply to take the time to be close to the Lord. God doesn't ask for all of our time. He wants you to do other things beside engaging in spiritual activities. He designed us with a body, a soul, and spirit, and He expects us to take care of each area of our being.

He has changed me. He makes me hungry for his word. He also says do not be afraid to spread my word, and not just hide what you know. So this week we have a week of going out to people and telling them the good news. The evening before that, we got anointed with the Holy Spirit to guide us. It was powerful. Indescribable. I felt my old life leave and the Holy Spirit enter, it entered with such power it knocked me to the ground and I was crying like a little child. Afterwards we could all speak in tongues. It was powerful and magnificent to have a language that only God knows. It is a prayer that God is putting in us, something so powerful that the Devil can't understand.

So this week we go out to share the gospel with others. The first evening was so powerful. We were praying over the new believers and you could feel the Spirit moving into them and filling them. God working in there lives. I have never experienced something so powerful and real. I thank God for changing me the way he has. I thank him for filling my life with such Love and compassion for him.