Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Yeah well we finally were able to take a vacation. We left on thursday for bloemfontein. We were there at pastor Irwin's place for the night. Next day we left for Cape town. The ride there was amazing the mountains and the view. We stayed at Pastor Hilltons place. He is the father of pastor russell who is the pastor of our church. We had a great time in cape town. We went to cape point where atlantic and indian ocean meet. It was very nice. the next day we went to howard bay and saw the sunnset in the atlantic ocean. It was so magnificent. After spending some time at the church and traveling around cape town we left for Jeffery's Bay. We had a lodge at a backpakers on the beach. Stunning. And the house itself was so nice sofas, tv, nice bedrooms, and a balkony where you could look out to the ocean. From there we went to Mthatha. We were there for 3 days. It was very cold so we coulden't do anything so we sat at home cudeld under our blankets and watched tv all day. That was the best. It was also a nice way to relax do nothing all day =) from there we left to go home on sunnday. The vacation was very nice and resting. it was also a great oppurtunity to meet new people and build new relationships. I am so greatfull that we could take this time to visit the brother church of NZMI. It was also a nice time to work on our team relationship and spend time talking and growing together.