Tuesday, August 25, 2009


First what i woould like to say is that i arived great here in chicago. I want to that the congergation and frinds and familie for all the prayers and support. It was a new expirience to travel by myself, but God was there with me. We as group are geting to know each other in different ways sharing our faith storys or just having a nice cup of coffie with another. We are living here at a commune it is a place where a group of people live toghter and share there faith aith on another. This programm that runs it is called the Jepusa. They have two hommless shelters a coffie shop and a new skateboard shop. They try to reach other people with Gods word out there in this way. The money for this programm mostley comes from fundraisers and other things. This is a great way to interact with other people, people that might be different from us but share the same faith as us. For most of us this is a new expirience. So there has been a lot of time with talking, praying, devotions and lots of others.
We also have been forming great friendships with on another. This will be very important espcially becasue we will be spending time with each other fo a long time. This is also a great way to see what God is doing in other peoples lifes. In orientation we are also suppoes to travel by train and get to know the city so that when we are on our own in a new place that we know what to do. I just thank God for giving us this great oppurtunity.

Prayer requests:
-Jepusa programm
-The teams as we prepare for the big journey
- That God may create a change here in Chicago

Prayer thanks:
-That i arrived saftley here in chicago
- That God has been such a blessing to us here

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