Friday, May 14, 2010

Bible Reading

Bible reading....hhm to be honest it sounds boring sometimes. Yonela and I talked about" how can we make Bible reading more interesting"? It doesn't say in the bible you only have to read it. You can also listen to it. Ever tried it? It works. I started it today. While I am doing my office work I listen to the "Message" which is on CD. I heard verses that I have read in the Bible but had a whole new meaning to me now. Music will speak to your subconscious. Even if you don't agree with it it will happen. So it is inevitable that music will have an effect on your life. Which is why we are encouraged to listen to Gospel music. But why not take it to the next level and have Gospel music put together with a sermon or an audio Bible!?
I have been struggling quit a bit with always sitting down and reading he Bible. So I was thinking of a way I could get the word daily and also enjoy it. Also to read the Old testament..that has been a struggle. Mostly because there are so many names and number. But Yonela gave me and idea. When I am listening to the Old Testament and the names, just think of if I could name my future kids any one of them. So short I am trying to be creative to make the word more interesting. So for all the readers if you ahve a hard time focusing reading the Bible or think it is boring, make it interesting. Be creative. That is what I am doing and I am enjoying it.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


So first of all sorry for not blogging in a long time. In the church were we are serving being a leader is a very important part of it. So I have been teaching in the boarding house, that is one cell and then I teach a 11 to 12 year old girl group at Kids Klub, that is my second cell, and the other day I started my 3 cell! I really love all my girls and it is such a blessing to be able to work with them. Alos I was teaching pre encounter yesterday to 15 to 18 girls. (Pre encounter is the first lessos that we teach to rais up leaders. So after they are done with all the classes they can start there own cell and be leaders.)It was a big group and usually I have a hard time to speak free infront of such a big group. But it worked very well. I could speak free. If I look at the way I used to be a very shy girl that hardly ever said anything, to now, being able to lead 3 cells and to teach pre encounter. I am greatful for the challenges. I am also greatful for this years expirience in being able to grow becoming more secure and also to be challenged.