Friday, January 15, 2010


Well we started a new year. This year the church has decided to focus a lot on prayer so they have made a new scedual that looks like this:
Monday evening prayer from 6:30 to 8
Tuesday, wendsday and thursday is 5 to 6am morning prayer, and then
Friday half night prayer which is from 10 to 1.

I really Love prayer and I think that is one of the most powerful tools for life. I am really glad that we are focusing so much on prayer for this year even though it is challenging to go to the 5 am morning prayer (Which is lucky not manditory but we can go when we want). But I think it is a good dicipline. So this is how our year has started off with. We are alo oppening all the progrmas again; Kids Klub, youth, Ikusasa Elethu, and the mettings. So we are going into the busy life again. I hope that these next 6 months will be a growing expirince that will impact the rest of our lifes.


  1. This prayer schedule I think will be great - I hope things go well.

  2. yeah it is a little difficult but that is the reat thing when we still challenge ourselfes in faith then we are still growing =)
