Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The presence of the Lord

This last week I had been struggeling with Feeling as if God was far away and all my problems and worries were sitting on my shoulders. It was hard. A friend ouf ours took us to a game park where we also had an african safari expirience, anyways, it was there in our house where we ahd a wonderful view that I encouterd God.
It was at 4 in the morning, I was having my quiet time and journaling and I jsut read a psalm of David saying I want to rejoice in the Lord everyday, at that moment the sun started to rise. First it was a small red dot and then it grew and it feelt like God was saying I am greater then all your fear I want to shine my light on you. The sunrise was breathtaking and absouloutly magnificante. I thank the Lord for always being there and when we don't expect it he blesses us with his love and glory.

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