Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Girls

Today I started a new boarding house. I got Peggy sarted with those girls. The Boarding house is a place where children live that go to school, so they come into town and live at a boarding house. The program is called Ikusasa Elethu. It is a HIV prevention program. We talk about how they are unique and have a special purpose in life. Also what it means to be a leader and how to be a christian in this world. We had some very goo discussions about how to forgive and how to be an example to our non christians friends. So I will be taking some time to go there as well and see how things are doing plus I have my own Boarding house girls and a cell and another cell at kids klub where I lead. But to be honest I enjoy the girls and having some good discussions with them. It gives me a lot to think about. it challenges my faith as well. To be honest I love them all very much, it will be hard to say good bye. But the good thing will be that I know that I made a change in other poeple's lives. It might not be much but those moments where we share our deepest fears and problems and tears those moments I will cheerish forever.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

FREE .....!!

Every woman when they grow up want to feel pretty and feel good about themselves. I wanted that too. When I gew up I had some bad expiriences and I could never forgive that person for stealing my identity and my selfasteem and scared of rejection. I thought that I was never good enough. I almost feel into anorexia becasue of that. I thought I was too fat, not pretty and not good enough. When I came to south Africa I felt that God had brought me here for a purpose. I couldne't find out what it was. But this weekend I found out. We were at camp and one of the Leaders was talking about to forgive, that we are beautifil, that we are worthy and that we as woman have are right to say no. I couldnet help but breack down and cry, like I never had before. All the pain and rejection and and the hurt that I had keept in me for so long, all that was comming out. I got prayed for and found healing. Now I am FREE!!!! I feel as a big rock has fallen off of my heart. Now I know why God called me to South Africa. He wanted me to help here but mostly so that I could grow closer to him and find healing in him and be a new person. I thanks the Lord for all he has done. His plans are greater then mine.