Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Girls

Today I started a new boarding house. I got Peggy sarted with those girls. The Boarding house is a place where children live that go to school, so they come into town and live at a boarding house. The program is called Ikusasa Elethu. It is a HIV prevention program. We talk about how they are unique and have a special purpose in life. Also what it means to be a leader and how to be a christian in this world. We had some very goo discussions about how to forgive and how to be an example to our non christians friends. So I will be taking some time to go there as well and see how things are doing plus I have my own Boarding house girls and a cell and another cell at kids klub where I lead. But to be honest I enjoy the girls and having some good discussions with them. It gives me a lot to think about. it challenges my faith as well. To be honest I love them all very much, it will be hard to say good bye. But the good thing will be that I know that I made a change in other poeple's lives. It might not be much but those moments where we share our deepest fears and problems and tears those moments I will cheerish forever.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are engaging in ways that will be hard to leave, even if that sounds crazy!
