Sunday, September 27, 2009

convention at Bloumfontein

For me when I hear convention i think sometimes of a time with people to praise and worship the lord. This weekend we went to Bloumfontein to a church conference where around 800 people were. What made this convention as special as it was were the preaching of God the preachers would talk for 45 minutes and it still wouldent get boring. They were filled with passion and fire to speak,it was extrordinary, as well as the worship singing people would laugh , dance, sing, cry it was filled with emotions and power of the holy spirit. Another thing was the people. They had such warm heart and welsomed us with oppen arms. There when you walk somwere they will smilie and greet you. In canada it was hard to find that frindlyness in th people. We also got to share our testimonies as an encouragment for the youth there to go on missions and to let God shine a light in the world. For me this weekend was a blessing. I truly enjoyed every minute. I thank God that he is giving us this oppurunity to get to meet new people, people in christ that are true belivers, and worship from all there heart. There were questions as well that came with it, what plan does God have for me? where does he want me to help here when I feal helpless compared to this culture. It feels like i am the one suppose to learn and not teach. But i know God has great plans and i want himto work through me.

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