Thursday, September 17, 2009

This expirience to be here at orientation has been a great blessing for me. I feel a great change in me that I have never feelt before. This growth has been spiritual, emotional as well as phisical. God has transformed me and I want to let him transform me in such a way that I could just possibly dream of.

I have struggled a lot in my life with eating disorder or not feeling good enough. Just by being here for a month I have grown and learned that I am worthy. I have struggled with not feeling worthy all my life, know I feel exepted the way I am. I have learned that the outer apearance does not matter as much as the inner appearance. It is going to be a long and hard journey, but I wnat to get better and first work on my self and then let God transform me to someone who I didn't know I could be. Through Orientation God has made me want to be a true follower and I want to let him use me this coming year. I want to let him transform me and use me to be a blessing for others.

I am very greatfull for all the friendships that have been established here at orientation. They have been a blessing for me when I needed to talk to someone or just a word of encouragment. I thank everyone for the prayers and support. I hope that everyone can expirience Gods greatfullness and love the way I have.

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