Wednesday, September 23, 2009

trip tp south africa

We as team left on september 21 for amsterdam. The flight went well and we had a 8 hour flight. From Amsterdam where we had a 3 hour delay the trip continued to Johannesburg wich was a 10 hour flight. We had actually planed to stay at a hostel at Johannesburg for the night, so we were exeited to get some sleep. When we got to Johannesburg we noticed that the money that we were suppose to use was not on the account yet. So we had to think about what we were going to do next. Some of our team members said that we could take some money from theres. But we decided not to use monay and stay at the airport for the night. That was the longest night of my life. We spent 11 hours at the airport. At least there was no one at night so we could get some sleep, what was 4 hours for me. The next day we borded then for Pietematrizburg. Finaly. The interesting thing was though that we got transported in a bus to our airplane. Which was small airplane with probably 15 passengers. When we arived in pietematrizburg we were welcomed with smiles and open armes. Our group was taken out for lunch and then we setteld in to our new hous, wich by the way is great. At 5 we went to Phil and Kristine's place for dinner and the whole staff was there. It was an amazing evening with a llot of laughter and fun, even though we were exauhsted. I had probably goten around 6 hours of sleep from the 60 hours. Around nine we could finally go to bed. yes. I was so happy to finaly sleep ina bed and not an airplane seat. This morning Tim came and woke us up and what ws the time? 2 oclock in the after noon. That was the longest and best sleep I have ever had. A little bit about south africa. we have cold and rainy weather. It is nice though first thing that came to my head when we landed was the lion king movie haha.
Thanks for all the prayers. Please keep praying for the group and this weekend when we have to go to a convention. That he may give us peace and the energy to do his work, since we all are still tierd.


  1. we as support team are going to have a get together this sunday to exchange some info and to plan for the weeks and months to come...Friedbert

  2. Thank you. And thanks again for all the support. may God bless you the way he has blessed me already.
