Tuesday, September 8, 2009


What is hospitality? or what does it mean to us these days. We have become lazy and not really recognized how important or in what litle ways we can show hospitality. Becca and I went around and tried to smilie at people and see how they would react. It was interessting. A lot of people would totaly ignore us others gave us the look that we were wierd and some appritiated it and smiled back. Those people were the least though. I realized that to show hospitality can be done in so many ways, and how important it is. I have learned to be thankful, if I recive a smilie on the street to be thankful and replie with one, or just to respect the littlest hopitality. Ihope that people realize that to show hopslitality is so important to show Gods love and care, and to be the example that he was.

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