Wednesday, December 30, 2009

awesome day...=)

Today was an amazing day. We went with friends of ours, (forgot there names again) =) they had a saiboat and canoos and a boat but you ahd to padle yourself..=) so we did a lot of windsurfing it was amazing lot of hard work but as you know me I don;t give up until I got it and that is what I did. I propably spent 3 hours on it. It was hard and my back hurts now. But that is ok. The point is that we were able to go out and have fun, make friends and just have a wonderful felowship with each other. Oh the best part is I got to ride a motor bike haden't done that since I was in paraguay. It was so much fun luckly I had expirience so it was not difficult. So yeah it was exelent and just that fact that we are making friends here that we can just go out with have a picknic and enjoy the time together. I am very greatful for that.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas and a happy new year =)


Christmas away from home...never imagined that it would be so difficult. When we were in church and Pastor Nina gave me a mother loving hug I was just overwhelmed and the tears came. I couldn't hide them anymore. Just the feeling of missing family, home, Christmas it was a lot at once. But at the same time I must it was nice t expirience Christmas in a different culture. We went to Melanie and Markos Voller and there family. So with there granparents and sisters and brothers. It was nice, they were an amazing family. And I must say they had a lot of food. I don't think that I have ever eaten that much for Christmas...=) They also sang Christmas songs and just enjoyed a day together with singing, eating and enjoying each others companie. At the same time I am exeited to be home for next Christmas =)
We also celebrated Christmas as our "family" our team. We had taken names and bought presence for each other. So after church we had coffie and home made cinnamon buns and opening presence. It was nice. The little family =)
Love you guys..!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

sick ...=(

Today I am home. Alone..=( I am sick I had fever last night and was not feeling well at all. I had a bad headache and clogged nose and I have been feeling like I am under drugs, because I feel so weak. Today we were suppose to go to the township to have a Kids Klub event. But I couldn't go because I wanted to get well first. This is a bad timing to be sick especially because Christmas is right around the corner but I hope that I will be better by then.

church picnic

This last weekend we had a church picnic at Albert Falls, there were no falls but anyways. It was wonderful we had a Brei which is BBQ, and played Frisbee, volleyball and other games. The good thing about his weekend was that when we got to the park it was not getting out of the car and feeling awkward because not knowing what to do. But instead I got out and walked around talking with other people and for the first time it actually felt normal. Or should I say almost like home. I noticed that I had become more comfortable with the place and people that I could engage in different conversations. This showed me that I am starting to adapt more and more. I am very grateful for that.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Well what have I been doing? well this week we went to Karen and Andrews place and backed christmas cookies and Karen taught us how to knitt which was a lot of fun. We also had home made burgers, it was exelent. So today I have been sitting and Knitting all day haha =) It has been a little frusturaiting but it is a lot of fun. And for dinner we are having home made Pizza I hope my dough turned out good...!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

how can we help?

Today Kyle and I went to the Townships again to get states of the children to see what they need. It was good becasue we had a translator with us who could help us becasue some children just spoke Zulu. It was a good experience to go out and talk with the children to get to know them, their backround and their family. A lot of the stories were very sad. Some lost their father some had different parents. The houses in which they live in could just fit a bed and some little furniture and that was all they had. They had a little food because the mother could not get enough money in the house to feed the whole family. The children though are open to talk about their situation and are happy to get help. For all those who read this please keep those children in your prayers. They struggle daily with not having food or even knowing if they will be able to go to school. They are excellent students but they need our support to get a better education.
I want to thank you in advance for the prayers they are one thing that unites us all in a powerful way and that is one resource that we can use to help.