Thursday, December 10, 2009

how can we help?

Today Kyle and I went to the Townships again to get states of the children to see what they need. It was good becasue we had a translator with us who could help us becasue some children just spoke Zulu. It was a good experience to go out and talk with the children to get to know them, their backround and their family. A lot of the stories were very sad. Some lost their father some had different parents. The houses in which they live in could just fit a bed and some little furniture and that was all they had. They had a little food because the mother could not get enough money in the house to feed the whole family. The children though are open to talk about their situation and are happy to get help. For all those who read this please keep those children in your prayers. They struggle daily with not having food or even knowing if they will be able to go to school. They are excellent students but they need our support to get a better education.
I want to thank you in advance for the prayers they are one thing that unites us all in a powerful way and that is one resource that we can use to help.

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