Friday, December 25, 2009


Christmas away from home...never imagined that it would be so difficult. When we were in church and Pastor Nina gave me a mother loving hug I was just overwhelmed and the tears came. I couldn't hide them anymore. Just the feeling of missing family, home, Christmas it was a lot at once. But at the same time I must it was nice t expirience Christmas in a different culture. We went to Melanie and Markos Voller and there family. So with there granparents and sisters and brothers. It was nice, they were an amazing family. And I must say they had a lot of food. I don't think that I have ever eaten that much for Christmas...=) They also sang Christmas songs and just enjoyed a day together with singing, eating and enjoying each others companie. At the same time I am exeited to be home for next Christmas =)
We also celebrated Christmas as our "family" our team. We had taken names and bought presence for each other. So after church we had coffie and home made cinnamon buns and opening presence. It was nice. The little family =)
Love you guys..!!

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