Monday, December 21, 2009

sick ...=(

Today I am home. Alone..=( I am sick I had fever last night and was not feeling well at all. I had a bad headache and clogged nose and I have been feeling like I am under drugs, because I feel so weak. Today we were suppose to go to the township to have a Kids Klub event. But I couldn't go because I wanted to get well first. This is a bad timing to be sick especially because Christmas is right around the corner but I hope that I will be better by then.


  1. Hope you get better soon. Wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Even if you are not with family and friends, you can be assured that our loving God will always be there for us . Blessing's ...friedbert

  2. Thanks yeah it is not always easy to be away. But I have expirienced God in amazing ways.I wish you also a wonderful new year.
