Wednesday, December 30, 2009

awesome day...=)

Today was an amazing day. We went with friends of ours, (forgot there names again) =) they had a saiboat and canoos and a boat but you ahd to padle yourself..=) so we did a lot of windsurfing it was amazing lot of hard work but as you know me I don;t give up until I got it and that is what I did. I propably spent 3 hours on it. It was hard and my back hurts now. But that is ok. The point is that we were able to go out and have fun, make friends and just have a wonderful felowship with each other. Oh the best part is I got to ride a motor bike haden't done that since I was in paraguay. It was so much fun luckly I had expirience so it was not difficult. So yeah it was exelent and just that fact that we are making friends here that we can just go out with have a picknic and enjoy the time together. I am very greatful for that.

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