Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Boys...Issues anything else?

Boys boys go away, and die.....!!! I wish I could say that the creepy ones would just vanish but, they don't. One example: there was a guy at camp and he was playing soccer, he said when he saw connie his legs just gave away under him. He feel to the ground. When he looked up there she was, Connie. He wanted to go to pastor Russel and ask if he could marry her but Tim sayed that we werent aloud to. Thanks Tim. The other thing is the guys that creep on us are ususaly in there 30's. This has happend to me to just not as dramatic. This might be as well a good lesson how to deal with the other culture and how to deal with these situations. I thanks the lord that he has given me an awsom group that I can talk to when we have problems like these.


  1. I am so glad too that you feel like you are able to talk with those on your team. I can't imagine what it is like for girls growing up in that society to have to deal with this year after year.

  2. Glad Tim was around for this particular comment. I want to hear more about this tomorrow when we chat!
