Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Life is full of suppreises...SImple and wonderfull ones!!

Life comes with suppreises that is what we usually say. I can confirm that now. This last week has been full of supreises. My team specially the girls put a lot of effort into my birthday. They made me my favorite dish (chinese food) and some amazing deserts. It is alway different to celebrate something that is meaningful to you in a new country and away from the family. But I muss say I feel blessed to have such a wonderful team. They made my birthday an unforgetable event, which I am really thankfull for. God does amazing things..!!! I just want to say thanks to God for everything that has happend so far and I hope that I will continue to grow in his presence and become a faithful servant.


  1. Happy belated Birthday, Gabby! Glad that you have such a supportive team that really knows how to celebrate...the world could use more of that! - Lyz

  2. Thanks, and yes I would say my team is the best =)
