Sunday, November 15, 2009

Life in the Townships

"This last week I went to the townships. Those are little villages that the Government sponsors. Most are little mud houses with hardly any room, for a family to live. I went down with Pastor Thandi. We went to sponsor the children new uniforms (the ones that cannot afford it). We listened to some of the childbearing's stories, and it was heartbreaking. Some lived with their cousins that were all under 14 and no income. It’s hard to imagine how they survive. Others, their Parents died and they were going from family to family and now they were living with their stepfather’s ex-girlfriend, and they didn’t know when they were going to be asked to leave. It is sad to see. They are so young and have so many struggles. The school fees are R70 that is around $10, and a lot of them can’t even afford that, not even R5 or 6R for a year which is under a dollar. It is so sad to see those broken hearts. I have realized that all we can do is pray for them. It doesn’t help to just cry for them, but we can help to teach them how to accept their situation and make their own gardens and all those little things that help to change the situation.

Prayer requests:
- For the Townships
- For the suffering children that have no home or parents
- For the church that they may be blessed that they can help the children
Prayer thanks:
- For the people that have a willing heart to give and sponsor those in need
- For the opportunity to sponsor uniforms to the children
- Thanks for those that give their time to make a difference in our society."


  1. What an experience for you, Gabby! Will you have contact with these folks over time? Or was this just a one time gig?

  2. I think I will be going down a fiew more times to help there or mabey help with Kids Club, but I am not so sure.
