Wednesday, November 25, 2009

how unexpected God can take the people out of our lifes

Life is something so precios. Somethimes it can dissapear in a blink of an eye. This week especially it became so clear to me how fast life can end. I lost my Grandmother, well she is not blood related but she was always there for us (my sister and I). She had been struggeling with alzheimer desease. She died this week. Also my other Grandmother who has been such a blessing to me over these last years, her grandson, Jason died this last week. He is handicaped but he always had such a big heart. It was such a blessing to see him laugh. It is hard especially if it is two people who meant a lot to you. And such sudden and unexpected deaths in one week. I know that God only gives us as much to carry as what we can take. But it still is very hard.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Gabby...I am so sorry. Family is indeed more than blood. Many blessings as you work through this from afar.
